This is Kaneya Shokudo

Kaneya Shokudo is located in Asakura, a rural area in Fukuoka Prefecture.
The owner and young chef Yano-san creates beautiful compositions of local fish, meat and vegetables, but his famous 'Tamagoyaki' Japanese style omelet is always the first to be ordered.
His culinary mastery originates from the recipes of his grandmother, which she taught him since early childhood, and he keeps in loving memory.
He creates a space for locals to come together, eat, drink and laugh deep into the night, and serves dishes based on the traditional recipes of his grandmother, merged with his incredible skills and contemporary culinary trends.

Experience Kaneya Shokudo at Home!
Cook Japan's soon-to-be No.1 Tamagoyaki at home - with items that chef Yano-san selected & the original recipe!

Kaneya-Shokudo's Famous Tamagoyaki Omelet Recipe!
Tamagoyaki is a Japanese style omelet, made with simple ingredients and rolled in several layers while frying the egg.
Kaneya-Shokudo owner Yano-san has sworn to make his grandma's Tamagoyaki recipe world famous - and you can support this endeavor and cook the recipe at home!
Follow the instructions of Yano-san in this video, and make your own simple but super delicious Tamagoyaki omelet at home!

Make the frypan your own
The frypan included in the pack is especially manufactured for making professional Tamagoyaki. It is made of copper, to achieve the perfect temperature and minimum sticking.
It can only be used on gas stoves, and will change color and built rust over time - starting from the first cook.
Please only purchase with this in mind, and know that the tin and rust of the pan are harmless to the human body.